Wednesday, June 30, 2010

hold your breath

I have been coloring my truths with particular care recently.
I have been fully aware of the lines, and kept within them, moving the pen in only two directions, neatly overlapped parallels at a degree.

Today is a recording of vitality, defiant living; following notions that if something exists, then nothing is an impossibility - thus hating quantative measurement and the ideal of “been done”.

Today is a precedent, an islanded precedent, a singular that seems all the more remarkable from my chair, as I watch two vehicles nearly collide, and the silent fury and relief within the respective vehicles. My interpretations allow. There are barely any marks on the road, however, only me and those that saw, saw.

We as humans, are unique as humans.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

hurray for snail mail

I received a package in the mail today from Oly!
I was so excited, I think I jumped around my room for a while out of sheer exuberance.
Please do not fold...
More photos after the jump...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

overexposed at Bellwoods

We had a lovely NxNE/Father's Day weekend, celebrating a friend's birthday, listening to acoustic jams put together by the wonderful people at Humble Empire and The MuseBox.

overexposed at Bellwoods
We were on a hill, enjoying the weather. It was really sunny - hence the overexposure.

Monday, June 21, 2010

double exposure

"Thus Something and Nothing produce each other;
The difficult and the easy complement each other;
The long and the short offset each other;
The hight and the low incline towards each other;
Note and sound harmonize each other;
Before and after follow each other"
- Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Photographs by my friend, Elaine Crisostomo

Saturday, June 19, 2010


There's something gratifyingly therapeutic about cleaning. Cleaning things up. Clearing things to make room for new. Freshening things up for a new upcoming cycle.

For us human beings, cleaning things - letting go - has been one of the biggest challenges to overcome. We are ignorant. We allow for things to pile, because we cannot grasp the sheer importance to let go.

We allow for things to pile up.
We are scared to progress, and to change.

Just because we're scared, doesn't mean we can't change. Take everyday as a clean-up day, and rid yourself of all the unnecessary things that clutter your mind, your space, and the vibes that can turn your days upside down.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tell me about the dream...

Poem by Richard Siken
from Crush (winner of 2004 Yale Series of Younger Poets)
More by the poet here.


A couple of months ago, my friend had to "cat-sit" for a friend for a few days.
I went over and took these snapshots of the cuties!

They would spend most of their time by the window and watch the world go by.

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead

(I think I made you up inside my head.)

We're all guilty of fantasizing, and often, we get so immersed in such fantasies that they eventually cloud how we think, act, and behave. And it consumes the very core of us. It seeps right inside as it takes over how we function.

The process and its very nature are unfathomable, immune even to the frugal efforts of the remnants of our rational side. We end up focusing so much on the what if's and the could/should/would have been's, forming additional imaginary scenarios; meanwhile, reality is being taken for granted.

Secretly, we wish the stars and planets would align in our favour. We hope and wish so much that we begin to rely merely on such unsteady attempts instead of pushing things into motion on our own.

I don't really know what I want.
But I do know what I don't want - to waste time waiting for something, someone that doesn't exist.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

that deep-seated sense of longing

Both photographs were taken at Trinity Bellwoods.
Our dear friend Shantel takes some of the best photographs.
She recently posted one of her photos on this here blog.
more photos after the jump

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I want to be where your heart is home.

We're seeing She & Him tomorrow!
I've been listening to "Home" all day and feeling all warm inside.



Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Never second guess yourself.

It's little things in life that we tend to forget, and tend to overlook. The sky is the limit.
Never let yourself limit your opportunity.

Shantel here. Over and out.

A Maxim

To live each day as if it might be the last
Is an injunction that Marcus Aurelius
Inscribes in his journal to remind himself
That he, too, however privileged, is mortal,
That whatever bounty is destined to reach him
Has reached him already, many times.
But if you take his maxim too literally
And devote your mornings to tinkering with your will,
Your afternoons and evenings to saying farewell
To friends and family, you’ll come to regret it.
Soon your lawyer won’t fit you into his schedule.
Soon your dear ones will hide in a closet
When they hear your heavy step on the porch.
And then your house will slide into disrepair.
If this is my last day, you’ll say to yourself,
Why waste time sealing drafts in the window frames
Or cleaning gutters or patching the driveway?
If you don’t want your heirs to curse the day
You first opened Marcus’s journals,
Take him simply to mean you should find an hour
Each day to pay a debt or forgive one,
Or write a letter of thanks or apology.
No shame in leaving behind some evidence
You were hoping to live beyond the moment.
No shame in a ticket to a concert seven months off,
Or, better yet, two tickets, as if you were hoping
To meet by then someone who’d love to join you,
Two seats near the front so you catch each note.

by Carl Dennis
The New Yorker

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kafka + Kuper

Very recently, my friend Georgia lent me her copy of Metamorphosis and Other Stories, which I've been wolfing down lately. A few days ago, while browsing around a bookstore, I decided to check out the graphic novel section and stumbled upon Peter Kuper. Incidentally, he illustrated various Kafka stories, which turned out to be really neat.

And to my delight, and maybe yours, Random House put up the animated version of Metamorphosis on their website. 

Check it out!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

You can never go wrong with bread and cheese.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Quotable Quotes: Moose Bruce

What a silly world, to be so miserable over something this inane.
Molehills to mountains and back to sand again.
But life is a boat and you must row.
Tomorrow isn't there until you are, you know.
And so, a silly world it is.
But still, every day you should know you aren't bored of it.

- BR 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

PHOTO PURGE: tumbl'ing down

I just remembered I still have a "tumblr" account. I don't update it any more, but throughout its short active lifespan, I've posted about 3 pages worth of photographs that I've taken around Toronto and New York.

I don't think I'll be reviving its life anytime soon. It was fun (sort of) while it lasted.
Met rooftop '09

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I got film processed today.
I found these pigeons all clustered together at Bloor and Yonge a couple of weeks ago.
As photographed, they were all facing one direction (west). Kind of eerie.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Uh, hi. Myra here.

So after a long while of procrastinating I've decided that it is about time that I start blogging. The reason for my absence is the fact that I am a very private person but when I start writing, I tend to have a hard time restricting what I want to share and what I want to keep private. I also write quite a lot so I am must apologize in advance for my blabbering on. I may however, choose not to write at all and just display pictures and videos to posts to prevent what I have just mentioned. I suppose if this blog lasts, it will be quite interesting to distinguish between Carmel and my posts.

Okay, I just wanted to introduce myself. I promise a "real" post in the future.