Not too recently, I've been interested in all things philately, so expect a tonne of future posts from me relating to snail mail and such. For the meantime, we all recently got back to uni, hence an even more sparsely updated blog.
Temperatures are gradually dropping each day, and the leaves from the rustling trees are prepping up to change hues. Fall is among us, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I was never fond of the previous season - with all the sweltering heat and pesky mosquitoes it never failed to bring about. And not to mention the overall feel of lethargy that seems to take over everything. Don't get me wrong, I love the freedom summer brings, but its overall romanticism just seems to get lost whenever the season is actually upon us. Nevertheless, my summer went well. I spent a bit of it in East Coast America, which was neat.
There was a family of hawks nesting in the neighbour's pier when I was in Woodbridge, VA.