Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today, I realized how beautiful the sun can be. Summer has definitely begun (with constant work, over-sized bugs, and angry drivers), and I think that we should high-light some pre-check ideas to get your days in motion.

1. Try something invigorating, like cooking. I personally love to cook - making up experiments as I go, so I always end up in control of the things I eat. Try going on food blogs to grab some tips and recipes, so you've got back up plans for these long summer nights. My first place to check out, would probably be Simply Recipes. Don't be afraid of the steps, just make sure you're enjoying what you're creating.

2. Music is essential. Look up music blogs (, or even mixtapes. I'm currently listening to: Kevin's Mixtape

3. Go for a walk, and explore your area. Snap some pictures, take some walks with pals, grab an iced coffee. Don't stay inside, when the weather's become much more appealing. I always carry around my camera, and my journal: this way, I'll always have something to doodle into, or capture great moments.

Harness that positive energy during the 2-4 months away from school. It's time to focus on personal energy, rather than the energy we reserve for our obligations.
Take time for yourself, and learn to enjoy your own time, with your own rules.
